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Valuable Asset Protection-How to Integrate your Valuables into Your Alarm System

Valuable Asset Protection-How to Integrate your Valuables into Your Alarm System

Hosting parties with friends and family can be great. It can bring everyone together and make you feel as though you are providing for the people that you care about. But what happens when a party with friends turns into a party with strangers? You can quickly find yourself hosting a party that seems to be getting out of hand as your responsibilities begin to increase drastically. The worst part is that not everyone can be trusted and it usually isn’t until everyone leaves that you find out what may have been damaged, broken or even stolen. One solution might be to store your valuables in a room or two and arm those specific rooms from your keypad. Unfortunately, this is not the most practical solution as valuable vases and works of art are intended to be displayed in front of guests.

Fortunately, there is a device made by Art Guard that solves this dilemma. Art Guard, a company specializing in valuable asset protection, has developed a device that trips an alarm the moment your valuable item is moved even the slightest bit. The small apparatus uses a magnet attached to the valuable asset to trip the alarm if the magnet is displaced whatsoever. If moved, it communicates with the alarm panel to set off the alarm system and notify you that the object has been moved. This allows you the ability to actually enjoy hosting a party even if you do not know everyone there.