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July Preparations

July Preparations
Is the pool inflated and full? Has the A/C been serviced? Are the animal’s water dishes all full? These are likely questions when preparing for July.
In a discussion with a Sheriff’s Deputy, something else may need to be considered. He felt that July should be considered “National Burglary Month”. Young males have been out of school for several weeks. They are becoming bored and short of money. Your home may look like a way to solve both of those problems. What can you do to lessen the likely hood of your home being targeted?

Take a layered approach to security:

1. Identify that you have a monitored security system. A seminar I attended asked the question, does monitored security prevent a burglary? No, it relocates it. Proof of this statement came from the June 2015 Security Dealer & Integration (a trade publication) “a University of North Carolina study surveyed convicted burglars about their tactics and found that eight out of 10 said they would first determine if a monitored alarm system was being used, and more than half of those surveyed said they would move along to someone else if their target had an alarm”. Yes, those signs and stickers work.

2. Lighting. Are there darkened approaches to your home? Can lights be re-aimed or added to limit these approaches. Do you have timers? Today there’s an app for that. Lighting can be scheduled, activated remotely or by an event (like an alarm).

3. Physical security. Do your door and window locks work? Do you use them? Does your dead bolt have a long enough throw? Is the door strike secured into the framing stud, or just the door jamb? If breaking into your home takes too much energy, or makes too much noise, they may just move on.

4. Electronic Security. Is it up to date? Have you remodeled, adding to your home, but forgetting to secure the new space? Have you updated your Emergency Response List? Have you switched phone vendors? Some providers use a VoIP system, which has limited alarm transmission capability. Have you tested your alarm recently? WAI’s Central Station can assist you in this. Do you consistently arm your system? Today’s options (wireless key fobs, apps for your smart devices, internet sites) allow you to easily be in control of your home’s security anytime and from anywhere.

These have been a few suggestions to add to your peace of mind this summer. Watch for additional ideas in coming months.