Summer Safety: It’s More Than Just Wearing Sunscreen
Summer is right around the corner, and unfortunately so are thieves that are looking to take advantage of your absence during the day or when you are on vacation. Thieves do an excellent job of looking for patterns and routines among households and taking advantage of any weaknesses. This process is called casing and there are certain things that potential burglars look for when casing.
–Unlocked Windows: During summer time it is easy for those of us without air conditioning units to leave the windows unlocked or even open if they are on the second story. However, all it takes is a pair of binoculars to spot an unlocked window. So close AND lock them!
–Vacation Giveaways:
• Newspapers: Anyone that subscribes to a daily newspaper knows that they do an excellent job of delivering every day. Thieves know this as well and if you do not have someone collecting the paper for you, they will see it as an opportunity to collect more than just the paper.
• Garbage Cans: It will be easy to spot a vacant house if the garbage cans stay out days after the neighbors have put theirs away. Have someone bring your cans in and out for you.
• Light Patterns: Variations in the patterns with which your lights turn on and off can be easy to spot as well. A home without lights on between 8pm and 11pm probably doesn’t have anyone in it. Some security systems solve this dilemma by allowing for scheduled lighting.
The great news is that a fully functioning, monitored alarm system can protect you against any burglary even if thieves see past your solutions to the giveaways listed above. With this piece of mind, you can go on enjoying those warm summer days with friends and family.