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Reducing Insurance Premiums with Your Security System

Reducing Insurance Premiums with Your Security System

     In an article recently posted by Encharter Insurance, they lent insight into the personal and fiscal benefits provided by having different types of alarm systems. The article focuses on the difference between local alarm systems and central station systems. When set off by a perimeter breach or smoke, a local alarm simply produces a sound or strobe light in order to alert the homeowner and neighborhood. A central station alarm system possesses these same features, yet also alerts your alarm company who then dispatches the police or fire department to your premises. As one might assume, the safest protection is the central station alarm system; and because of this, insurance providers also offer the largest discount on insurance premiums (up to 10%) for customers that have these systems.

     Although a local alarm may seem like sufficient protection, the fact of the matter is that even if you do spend a lot of time inside your home, a central alarm is still the absolute safest. Even though local alarms are capable of alerting you, they do not notify the authorities for you. The quicker that authorities can make it to your home, the less damage will be done to your home and the safer you will be. Insurance companies know this and that is why they offer the largest discounts for monitored, central station systems. So when considering your alarm system or home insurance keep in mind the safety benefits as well as the cost benefits provided by a central station alarm system.