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CSAA-New Standards Mean More Value

CSAA-New Standards Mean More Value

The Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) has announced that it will be searching for experts in the fields of emerging technologies in order to develop new standards for the technology that is relatively new to central stations. The experts will join the association’s Emerging Technologies Committee to assist in developing these standards.
As reported by Spencer Ives with Security Systems News:
“The committee is looking for individuals knowledgeable about GPS/mobile services including mPERS, active shooter systems, video technology, telehealth, home automation and mass notification systems. CSAA is seeking experts from PSAPs, fire and medical services, and law enforcement, as well as those in the monitoring industry.”
This lends insight into not only the technology that CSAA is looking to investigate and develop standards for, but it also points to CSAA’s commitment to excellence and improving safety for consumers. It is not uncommon to see committees ignore new technologies and products, however, CSAA is taking action to develop new standards with the guidance of experts.
As a consumer, this translates to more value when you see a central station that possesses CSAA’s Five Diamond designation. When you see it you know that they have surpassed the high standards developed by experts in the fields of technology specific to central stations. It will take time, of course, for these standards to be put into practice, however, Security Systems News quoted Morgan Hertel, chair of the Emerging Technologies Committee, as saying that new standards for mobile devices should be seen “before the end of the year.”