Women in Security: Washington Alarm looks to grow
Company hopes to complete the year’s second purchase
by: Spencer Ives – Tuesday, November 29, 2016
SEATTLE—Shannon Woodman has been working with family-owned Washington Alarm full-time since 2000. Now in the role of COO, she said the company is focused on growth.
“Our biggest thing is growing—so, both growing organically and through acquisitions,” Woodman said. The company completed a small acquisition of about 100 accounts earlier this year and expects to close another by the end of the year, she said.
“In 2017 we’re going to target more acquisitions by marketing to those smaller companies,” Woodman said, adding that the company will focus on acquiring commercial accounts.
Woodman is the third-generation at Washington Alarm, making her “basically born in the industry,” she said. “Growing up, I worked various jobs—anything from janitor to inventory, special projects.” Woodman’s first full-time position in 2000 was in sales. More…