Safety Considerations this Holiday Season

Safety Considerations this Holiday Season


Holidays are a time for hanging out with loved ones and giving to the people that you care about. Unfortunately, they can also be a time of taking for thieves. The holiday season is notorious for presenting criminals with all of the opportunities that they need in order to get a gift of their own.

As you leave your home to go spend time at a loved one’s house, criminals will find this as the perfect time to enter your vacant home. Fortunately, as is the case with many home theft threats, this is easily solved with a monitored alarm system. A monitored system will work just in the same way it does every other day of the year, establishing break-ins as an empty threat.

Similarly, in recent years, there has been an increase in porch theft. Often coined ‘porch pirates,’ these thieves wait until a valuable package has been dropped off on your door step and then proceed to quickly snag it and drive away. Although an alarm system will do little to prevent theft of property outside your house, there is a solution for those who cannot be at home to collect the package right away. The simple addition of a surveillance system to your alarm system is an excellent way to deter thieves looking to tamper with any of your property. A surveillance system can be as small as one camera, yet help in tremendous ways.