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Drones for Home Security?

Drones for Home Security?

Just recently, a very interesting article found on Security Sales & Integration’s website  presented a theory regarding two of the topics that we have discussed in previous posts. The article centered around the possibility of drones being incorporated into the Internet of Things (IoT) and essentially working to help make your home more secure. For example, the possibilities addressed in the reading included drones being activated during a perimeter breach in order to get close shots of the intruder’s face and even their getaway vehicle’s license plate information. Additionally, it references an inverse scenario in which homes would recognize nearby drones and automatically close shades in order to protect privacy.

Although it may seem rather advanced and far-fetched, the age in which we are living presents us with seemingly endless possibilities. And this grouping of drones with home automation in order to prevent and solve crimes is actually not so unobtainable. Drones are being used in numerous ways that were previously not considered. In fact, in an event that was also reported by Security Sales & Integration, a teen used his drone to successfully chase down thieves that were in the process of stealing his family’s boat. The boat was later found by the police and returned to the teen and his family thanks to the successful piloting of his drone. Furthermore, drones developed with an on-board defibrillator have even been used to fly directly to a 911 caller’s location in the event that a defibrillator is necessary. This represents the flexibility and potential uses that drones are capable of and lends insight into the future for drones and home automation.

We will simply have to wait and see if the vast capabilities of drones will be capitalized upon by future innovators to enhance home security, but considering the improvements that have been made over the past few years, our guess is that it won’t stop here. We are excited about the implications of this ever-advancing technology and look forward to offering it to our customers if and when it becomes available!