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Why We are Active on Social Media

Why We are Active on Social Media


Within the last few years, the world has witnessed thousands upon thousands of businesses becoming active on social media; many of them creating accounts on a wide variety of platforms that possess diverse and powerful outreach capabilities. Unfortunately, despite the potential that these platforms possess, the majority of these accounts were soon left abandoned by the very administrators that had created them. So why did these companies create accounts if they were only to be rendered inactive? The answer most easily deduced is that companies recognized entry into the world of social media as an emerging opportunity for free advertisement as well as a necessity in order to remain competitive.

We saw some firms jump on the opportunities that they were presented with while the remaining majority simply took a step back as they realized that creating engaging and effective content frequently was actually rather challenging. So that brings us to Washington Alarm, Inc. Why is it that we continue to post to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and our blog even though we don’t use it as a sales channel? Interaction with the community!

As our posts have hopefully demonstrated, we enjoy being a part of the place in which we live. The Pacific Northwest is a region that unites like very few others in this country and we take pride in this fact. The ability of our community to accept the diverse views of others and work toward common goals is what fuels our desire to interact with our customers and the community as a whole.

It provides all of us here at Washington Alarm distinct joy when we hear the kind words of a customer telling us that they are pleased with their system or pleased with one of our employees. Alternatively, we are provided with areas to work on when we hear suggestions from our customers. Whether it be praise, constructive criticism, or an exchange of enthusiasm about the alarm industry or the PNW, we attach much value to all of our interactions on social media!

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