Holiday Safety Tips

Published by on December 12, 2024

We hope you have a safe and Happy Holiday Season! Below are a few safety tips to keep you and your family safe and sound all season long.

1. Test your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms before hosting holiday gatherings. With increased cooking activity and decorative lights being used, functioning detectors are especially crucial. Replace batteries if needed and ensure family members know what the alarms sound like.

2. Use timer-controlled lights and have neighbors collect mail when traveling to create the appearance of occupancy. Avoid posting travel plans on social media and ensure your security system and cameras are functioning properly.

3. Inspect all holiday light strands for frayed wires, broken bulbs, or damaged sockets before decorating. Avoid overloading electrical outlets, and use only UL-listed extension cords.

4. Don’t place valuable gifts where they’re visible through windows, as this can attract thieves. Keep blinds partially closed to prevent window shopping.

5. Keep your Christmas tree well-watered if using a real tree – dry trees are major fire hazards. Position trees at least 3 feet from heat sources and always unplug your tree before going to bed.

If you need help securing your home or business this holiday season we’re here to help at 206-328-3288 or request a free consultation here!

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