Washington Alarm Blog

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Washington Alarm Blog

Your Source of Insights and Updates
on World-Class Fire Alarm and Security

As the Pacific Northwest’s leading name in both residential and commercial fire alarm and security systems, Washington Alarm is more than just another security company — we’re your neighbors, your partners, and your local experts in safety.

Seattle Public Safety Survey

November 29, 2016 9:02 am Published by

According to Seattle Mayor, Ed Murray, “Seattle has more people than at any point in its history, but the number of fully trained officers has actually decreased in recent years.” Murray’s 2015–2016 budget had a plan to hire 100 new police officers by the end of his term. He pledged to make good on a... View Article

Improving the Internet of Things

September 14, 2016 11:36 am Published by

Although we hear quite a lot about home automation and all of the exciting new developments within the industry, we lack information on the safety regarding these changes. Home automation products are excellent for working around your lifestyle and schedule, but that degree of personalization and intimacy also introduces you to unique security threats. It... View Article

New Season-New Safety Considerations

August 30, 2016 2:16 pm Published by

     It seems to be that each season presents its own threats while eliminating or reducing old ones. In a previous article, titled Summer Safety: It’s More than Just Wearing Sunscreen, we mentioned the unique safety concerns that summer time brings with it and how to mitigate these concerns. Unfortunately, the coming of the school year... View Article

CSAA-New Standards Mean More Value

August 26, 2016 10:54 am Published by

The Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) has announced that it will be searching for experts in the fields of emerging technologies in order to develop new standards for the technology that is relatively new to central stations. The experts will join the association’s Emerging Technologies Committee to assist in developing these standards.   As reported... View Article

Pokémon Go or Pokémon Go Away?

August 16, 2016 11:35 am Published by

     Although it may seem like old news, Pokémon Go is still making headlines nearly a month after its release and subsequent success. Of these headlines, it is rather hard to determine whether or not the game is doing more good than harm. On the one hand, it allows players to get up and move around... View Article

Alarm Systems as the Face of Home Automation

August 9, 2016 2:07 pm Published by

     Within the last decade, there’s been an increasing trend in the development of “smart homes” and general home automation. For instance, we have all most likely seen products such as Nest, the programmable, self-learning thermostat system, which has the ability to completely automate your home’s temperature all on its own. The concept of home automation... View Article