National Fire Prevention Month!
Have you noticed the recent cool, crisp days of fall? October is here, and that means its Fire Prevention Month!
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 123 fatal work injuries in 2017 due to a fire or explosion – a 39% increase from 2016.
Preventing fires is important, and Fire Prevention Month is a great time to check your fire and life safety systems at your home and work. This can be as simple as checking your smoke detector batteries and fire extinguishers or testing your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Is your home or business fully protected? A good guideline is to have a smoke and carbon monoxide detector on every floor (and in each bedroom for residences) and a fire extinguisher on every floor. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors should be tested monthly.
Washington Alarm has been serving the Pacific Northwest since 1943, if you have questions about your fire and life safety systems, would like to add additional devices, or upgrade to the new 10-year battery smoke detectors (eliminating the need to check batteries yearly), our team of experts is available at 1-800-760-0046.